Windscreen Insurance Claim
Windscreen Insurance Claim Windscreen Insurance Claim Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia Services, Specialists, Experts, Professional | HLT WINDSCREEN SPECIALIST
We have tie-ups with most major Insurance companies for the convenience of our customers. You can expect hassle-free claims for your car glass repair and replacement.

You can make windscreen claim if your vehicle is extended to cover windscreen undercomprehensive motor policy. If you need a quick windscreen repair & replacement.

Please contact us and you need not to pay out of your own money for windscreen repair / replacement

The following documentatinos are required:


1) insured's insurance policy
2) insured's vehicle registration card (front & back)
3) insured NRIC (front & back)
4) insured car license (front & back)


1) company's insurance policy
2) company's vehicle registration card (front & back)
3) driver's insured NRIC (front & back)
4) driver's insured car license (front & back)
5) company registration certificate
6) company stamp

Please leave your enquiry here, we will reply as soon as possible.

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